Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hello, Again.

So things come round and leave and come around again. It's the nature of things really, you pave the ground but a slight crack and the earth pop back again.

Movies, I love 'em so much that I wish to make them. but first I probably need a camera, then well friends, and probably a flatmate to make rent. Ah, the woes of being under paid.

Ah well, Makeup is my route so far, making monsters and such.

There that's enough for now yes?


Friday, April 22, 2011

Facelift. But only of the computer.

So I've givien my page a face lift, gonna focus on thing that I really want to talk about. Which would be.... I 'ma not gonna tell you. Your gonna half you come and see of your self.

So while I seem to remember that I was able to break out dresses around this time last year, it looks like someone is not letting the ground and air get their warmth on. And I say that with pain of the random snow falls that have been plaguing Toronto.
I cant wait for Beltane, I always get excited when it's the end of April, and I know that celebration is to come, (it is also the calling of my birthday). And now that it has come it seemes that it's starting to get waarmer but still april was insane.

well that's all I have to say today- oH! except for the fact that I still find it tragic that john Galiano was fired from Doir :( poor thing, I still haven't seen the video so ya know whatever. but that's about it, oh and there's some kind of election that I'm not voteing in happening but whatever.


(Picture is someone's, not sure who though, it was sent to me. If it's yours let me know!)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And it's time to start over.

Everyone makes resolutions or at least plans to change everything in their lives at more than one point in their lives, but it's not until something happens to them do they actually do something about it. I know because I've done that at least 100 times, back in high school every semester would be the start of change, but I would always go back to my old habits.

Well I'm going to take a stand and change, and something is happening for me to make this change, I'm going into the hospital on Monday and I'm going to leave behind everything I don't like and everything I've been trying to get rid of for years in that room, and start new, no matter what that means.

It's a big step, but some times one has to make those hard decisions, and wouldn't you prefer YOU making those decisions than someone doing it for you?

Well wish me luck, spirit knows that I hate needles, so I'm gonna need the calm and luck.

Blessed Be,

Saturday, August 7, 2010


So Complicated, and yet so simple.

So loney, the longing for conpanionship.

Cold winter nights, Paired with Hot Sleepless ones.

In a blink we are born, Lived, Loved, and Grow old.

Only for Our spirit to Start again,

On a jorney, that pains us and torments us more, much more, than the good Parts.
Where in misdst, we find the Feeling as IF we were our weightless Selves that Float through the Afterlife, and find harmony in all that surrounds us.

True happieness is given to the Soul that Lives each day, and sees the world as an amazing thing every day.

To have that life.......

Would be a dream come true.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


So I LOVE the new Dr. Love. Matt smith is awesome.. A little bit more Alien than the past two Dr.'s, but I think I like that.

Yeah so those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about. DR. WHO baby. Britain's National Treasure! I know that my Mum watched it when it first came out, which is epic in my mind space. But any Who (he he I made a funny...... it was better in my head) the season 1 finally is on Saturday! Ah! Dono if I can take it.

The moon is pretty awesome tonight, kinda red but that may be my eyes..... I know a few people that would scream at me to do something...........

I'm just going to leave that there, like that, all questionable and such.

So! Down there (Points to the bottom of page) There is Chameleon Circuit, Awesome band! A few Boy's from Bath, UK, decided to go and be awesome creating their own TROCK. (Time Lord Rock)

Tell me something that you do that you find embarrassing, kinda like what I did. Down in the comment thing.
OK Time to sleep.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome to my Green house

Hi. I welcome you like I've welcomed my self to this internet palce.

I trust that you complet strangers will be able to enjoy the Happanstances that happen here imparticular. Don't know what I'm going to write about, it's too soon to tell, but we'll do it together, figure out what to talk about.

I love Rainy days...