Yeah so those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about. DR. WHO baby. Britain's National Treasure! I know that my Mum watched it when it first came out, which is epic in my mind space. But any Who (he he I made a funny...... it was better in my head) the season 1 finally is on Saturday! Ah! Dono if I can take it.
The moon is pretty awesome tonight, kinda red but that may be my eyes..... I know a few people that would scream at me to do something...........
I'm just going to leave that there, like that, all questionable and such.
So! Down there (Points to the bottom of page) There is Chameleon Circuit, Awesome band! A few Boy's from Bath, UK, decided to go and be awesome creating their own TROCK. (Time Lord Rock)
Tell me something that you do that you find embarrassing, kinda like what I did. Down in the comment thing.
OK Time to sleep.